Wednesday, January 7, 2015

I am a mother who knows that a slow start does not mean defeat.

I wanted to start this new year off with a bang!  I had my heart set on some really big goals.  Mostly a long list of Crossfit skills and PRs that I want to reach in order to prepare for some local competitions, and dejunking my house in preparation for moving to a smaller one.  I was wanting to work hard at the box, and at home while I had my personal trainer (Jonathan) home to help me.

But New Year's Day, when I was going to start hard, found me on day 3 of miserably sick.  As did January 2nd...and 3rd - My entire week of project time was squandered on tissues, coughing, fevers, sore throats, headaches, no voice (it is barely coming back today, finally:-) children crying and coughing all night, and vascilating emotions between depressed, discouraged, wondering what I am supposed to be learning from this, and hoping that tomorrow I, and my children and husband, would be all better.

Today I am starting to really feel better. But as for my big plans - I am a week and a half behind the schedule I had planned.

As I look at where I am, I am full of hope, still.  I am not out of the race. My goals are still important to me, no less than they were before.  I still have them beating in my heart.  Starting them 10 days later than planned is okay. I am actually surprised at my own hopefulness and excitement.  I feel even more determined to stay dedicated to my path.  And I have had time to ponder and consider my children's needs, and my marriage more.  I gained insights on other areas I need to work to keep balance this year.  I feel good about taking things in stride, one day at a time, just consistently doing a little each day on the things that are important to me.  I feel assured that no matter the challenges that come to throw me off my path, I will be able to continue moving on it.

I thank my Heavenly Father for this feeling of hope and courage!

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