Thursday, January 22, 2015

What is seen and not seen.

This morning I received an email reminding me of a critical principle of government that I have not pondered in some time: The purpose of government is to protect freedom and not to provide.... anything.

When we allow government to provide this service or that, we at the same time give up a portion of our freedom.  Frederick Bastiet's essay, What is Seen, and Not Seen, explains that often in politics (and life) we make choices based on the immediate consequence and obvious results, but in reality the bigger, most impactful consequence is often delayed or not readily seen.

My favorite example of this is that when a child is crying, if you give them a candy (or whatever they are wanting) - they stop crying and eat the candy, that is seen.  What is not seen, is that later they expect to be given what they want when they cry or whine, and it will be all the harder to teach them to ask appropriately or accept "No" as an answer.  The immediate result was to stop the crying, but the long term result was a child who is much harder to work with.

This follows the pattern of nature that we reap what we sow.  When I plant a seed, it is several months- and sometimes years before the fruits of that effort are seen, and ready for harvest.

So it goes in government - only the part that is "Not Seen" is often further from view - harder to identify the long term consequences as they pertain to a large group of people, and that outcome may not surface for many years to come.

The email I read was concerning a Utah bill to provide a tax break for homeschoolers.  As a homeschooler this should sound really good to me - more money in my pocket.  However, the unseen effects of such a law, do not fit in the proper role of government, it is providing a benefit to one sector of the population.  The tax dollars spent in managing and regulating it, are an unneccesary burden on the people of Utah.

More importantly the long term consequence of having government "give" homeschoolers this benefit is that we give up a portion of our freedom to have it.  Whenever government has a law, there are requirements that must be met in order to qualify for it.  In the beginning, the requirements are usually simple - submit a home school affidavit, perhaps testing, eventually it always becomes more involved - receipts of educational materials or meeting with state teachers are possibilities.

I home school so that I can have the freedom to teach my children what and how I see best.  Any government encroachment on that is undesirable, regardless of the cost benefit.  It has been proven over and over that an excellent education is not directly related to the number of dollars spent per child - especially in the home school arena.

This is one tiny example of how our nation has lost most of its original power and greatness.  Seemingly good ideas, easy to argue for in the short term view, get added to the books.  But they become cumbersome over time, as more details are needed to manage them.  If we can discipline ourselves to only pass laws for which government should have jurisdiction over, and not try to legislate benefits - for any one group, or for the people as a whole, we will have hope of restoring America's greatness.

Here is the email I received for reference:


I am happy to have you share this.

Here is the deal. I know that Connor, the actual author of this bill is trying to do a good thing.  I don't not like him or anything like that.  In fact, I bet on many things we would agree.  But, there are some real concerns with this bill that I felt needed to be brought to light.  There will be strong feelings on this topic, but I just had to say something as a warning.

HB 134, authored by Lifferth, is a bill we need to stop.  Here is why.  It is a bill that gives a tax break to homeschoolers.  Sounds cool, but what is not seen?  Tell people and contact your reps and senators. The best way to stop this is from a grassroots level.  Talk to people! 

When someone starts homeschooling, they always think, "It's too bad I have to pay education taxes when my family is footing the bill of ALL of their own education.  It doesn't seem right."  I thought this when I first made the choice to homeschool.  But, after a year or two I read "What is Seen and What is Not Seen" by Bastiat as well as "The Law".  

After reading those essays I started looking at everything through the lens of principle instead of personal interest

Now in an ideal world the government wouldn't be legislating education, but since that is not the case there is an exchange of money that does take place between the government, the families and the schools.  Too bad, but I don't think we will ever get rid of that beast which should have never happened in the manner it is.

These are the reasons this bill is not good for homeschoolers. 

1. It puts all homeschoolers on a list with the government.  The state then knows all the people who homeschool.  (least of my worries.  But, I would think it will be a NEW list at the State instead of just at the district.)

2. It is not a fair bill because it is exclusive to homeschoolers and doesn't mention private school families or other similar educational choices.  And what about people who don't have kids at all or anymore at home or college students? They will have to have a tax credit too. Will that encourage people not to have children?  Hmmmm.  Just a thought.

3. It puts a law regulating homeschooling on the books of the state.  At the very least this is dangerous for the years to come even if it isn't dangerous when it is first passed.

4. As we all know, a bill is often very different from it's original draft by the time it is completed.  This bill could lead to mandatory testing or something worse. Whenever money is given accountability is always a factor. 

5. We should not be luring people to homeschool for a financial reason.  Parents need to be dedicated to the education of their children when they choose to homeschool.  That is a principle they can go the distance on.  And, as a lifetime homeschooler, I know that money is not required to make a great learning environment at home. 

6. People will start feeling entitled.  In fact, I'm pretty sure some already are.  That is likely where this bill stems from.

7. The Law is not for people to get personal gain or perks.  This issue is not meant for law.

8.  I have always looked at my education portion of my taxes as an investment in the community even though I CHOSE for my children not to attend.  Homeschooling is a choice.  We pay taxes so that there is always a slot open for our children if we need it.  That is how I look at it.  Any homeschooler can go get supplies from schools even or participate in extra-curricular activities at school because of the taxes.  But, some don't take advantage of that benefit.  That is their choice. 

9.  This bill is totally one sided.  If we take that money out of education, what are the chances that all taxes would go up for everyone to make up the deficit?  Probably pretty high, especially if we make if fair and let private schooled families get a tax break too.

10.  The bill is disturbingly like Obamacare.  I fear it will turn out the same eventually.  It promises perks but will just make us all more regulated in the end.  Just like healthcare.  Canada gets a kickback for homeschooling, but they have to account for everything they buy and they have to check in with a government worker every month or so. 

Anyway, we need to fight against this one.  It is not the proper role of government and will likely hurt the homeschool community more the help it in my view.

Here are a few other thoughts I have had.

This bill is too relative.  What about parents who have a child who goes to one class at school but pay for all their other education.  If I am only having my child there a percentage of the time.  Shouldn't I get a percentage of the credit? I would still be paying twice. And, what about my other children?  Would I lose the credit if Paije goes to one class at the high school when I am homeschooling all my other children? (or if I have one of my children in school full time? There are many families in this situation.) And, if families in this situation can get the credit, what would stop families who don't homeschool from trying to get a credit for one child being home part of the day too? People always want something for nothing these days. They will chase the tax break if there are any open loop holes. And, if there aren't any loop holes we are talking about a lot of auditing I would think. The law, if on the honor system will be abused. And, if it isn't on the honor system it is too intrusive. Do you see?  This won't ever work as it is, and it will not be a step toward anything but confusion. 

In my mind it is a matter of principle (what is seen and what is not seen, proper role of government etc.) VS personal interest. 
I have always decided not to sell my freedom for a few free potato chips.  I give up my personal interest sometimes to maintain true principles.  We have to consider public virtue on this one too. When we stand for principles that don't even look like they benefit us in the moment because it is right for future generations it is public virtue.

There have been many comments on Facebook using the word FEAR. 
What person that is homeschooling isn't doing it because of fear of something (or if you want to say it differently, wisdom)?  Some are afraid of common core or sex ed.  Some are afraid of the social or the conveyor belt education.  Some are afraid their child will not get his needs met or have close relationships with family and God.  Honestly, fear is not a cut and dry thing.  It is relative and most likely not the correct word to use in this case at all.

For example:  A hungry lion is lying in my bed?  Do I just jump in because I don't want to look like I was afraid?  No, I analyze the situation and then I wisely choose to not sleep with a hungry lion in order to preserve my life and my freedom.

I hope people will look past what will most benefit themselves, and look at what might happen to their children who want to homeschool when a law like this is on the books. I brought this whole thing up because I am trying to look ahead wisely too. I'm sure Representative Lifferth and Connor are trying to do good things, I just wanted to make sure everyone was aware of "what was not seen" so that they could have their voices be heard on this.

Oh, about about the "being on a list" thing. Honestly, that is the least of my concerns listed. I probably shouldn't have put it as number one. It is minor compared to all the other concerns I have.


Nicholeen Peck
Parenting Mentor & Family Support
Author of: "Parenting A House United"
The Book:
The BBC show:
President of: Worldwide Organization For Women 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I always have room to improve.

I have been Crossfitting for over two years now.  I have made some big improvements and am much stronger and faster than when I started.  But I am nowhere near the capacity of my potential.

Last night Jonathan and I looked at the Crossfit levels and I was astonished at the amount of work one must do to complete those skill levels.  I am not sure I can yet fully pass level one.  It was fun to dream about the potential our body has for doing things, and wonder if I could work to a level three A this year.  I feel quite healthy.  I am certainly the strongest in any physical area that I have ever been in my life.  Yet there is infinite room to grow and improve.

I realized that this is God's plan:  for us to grow and improve in all areas of our life.  In the time we are given on earth we will never max out.  There will always be more refinement in how we love, serve, learn, work, communicate, and enjoy life.  God is perfect, and he commanded us to be perfect. Yet my mortal mind and body is still in its infancy of progress toward that charge.  I have an endless array of areas to work on, and an unlimited capacity of improvement in each.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

God is hastening his work...

...One little miracle at a time.

I received a powerful gift of healing in a much shorter timeframe than I had been expecting.  I have been struggling with some personal issues over the past few months that have rocked my world and caused me to really search deep as to what I believe on some core issues and values.  I was hurt deeply and had to learn a new level of forgiveness.  In conjunction with it, I was made aware of some serious weaknesses and faults within myself, that needed to be changed and purged - the messy, ugly, emotional kind that get all tangled up in everyday living.

This situation led me to searching through a lifetime of journals, to find myself at the temple weekly, to study the scriptures and conference talks with increased hunger.  It has changed the fervency and frequency of my prayers. True to the pride cycle, I have been compelled to be humble.  I have chosen to turn to the Lord and accept his chastening as a reminder to increase my faith and resolve to follow Him.  He has blessed me.  Far more than I could have hoped. 

Yesterday, after a couple of powerful outpourings of the Spirit, I was told that part of my life is healed, it is made whole.  I had been telling myself a date 8 weeks from now- that I needed to find resolution by then. I had been praying to know what I needed to do, to learn, to process and work through, so that I could then pull the emphasis off of this crisis, and put my energy into other areas of life.  God gave me the gift much sooner and more clearly and powerfully than I had been expecting.  I had been telling myself it would be a miracle to receive what I was asking by March.

I feel and see that God is hastening His work upon the earth.  He is pouring out blessings faster and stronger in proportion with the growing wickedness, and also in preparation of the second coming of His son, Jesus Christ.  I feel Him blessing me with a hastened healing, so that I can move forward, with improved focus on motherhood, and doing my part in building His kingdom.  By small and simple things are great things brought to pass.  God's miracle for me was small and simple in the big scheme of things.  But it has brought great things to our family.  And it is the composite of God working in each individual life, by which he writes the beautiful symphony of His Plan of Salvation. 


Satan hates beauty.

Actually, Jonathan just told me that.  We have had two beautiful, miraculously beautiful days.  The Spirit of God has flooded the life of our family in a sweet way.  Some relationships have been healed, some inspiration received and a peaceful feeling of hope and love has abounded.  My soul is rejoicing in the goodness and Glory of God.
Tonight Jonathan and I were sitting at the kitchen table each recording our thoughts in his journal about the last two days.  Jonathan looked up and said, "This is beautiful.  Satan hates beauty.  He will try to tempt us this week.  If we pray to know how he will next attack, we will know what to do so, that he will not have power over us." 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

I am a mother who knows I am nothing.

Last night I said I am divine.  I am.  But I am also mortal, weak, one of billions of others.  I make mistakes.  I have 37 years of experiences and information that have gone into my brain as memory, and not all of it is beautiful, true, or good.  I have habits- oh, do I have habits, some of which I am not fond of.

Just as I am a Child of God, I am also of the dust of the earth.  Alone, left to my own devices and powers, I am nothing.

A woman I highly respect, after reading and counseling me on a personal vision statement that I had spent two months in writing, and rewriting, and revising, and editing, recommended one book to me.  Confronting the Myth of Self-Esteem.  It's message is that all the hype about needing to have a boosted self-esteem and see ourselves as great, sets us up for disappointment.  Just like having a mortal super hero - a ball player, or movie star - is a let down when you find out they made some serious mistakes.  So it is with having ourself as a hero. We  inevitably let ourselves down, because we make mistakes - that is why we are on earth - to learn.  Learning is not about a perfect performance.  That is the end goal, but the learning phase is about  practice, and practice always involves hiccups, mistakes, slower that perfect timing, errors, stretching, growing, difficulty, opposition, a struggle.  So placing our hopes, and faith and trust in ourselves is just as erroneous as placing our trust in any other arm of flesh.  We will be dissappointed.

Deep down we know we are suseptible to failure.  We know we are not perfect.  We know we are not as completely good as the outside world sees.  We always put our best self out - but there is in all of us a weaker self too.  In our hearts we know that, so working too hard at building self-esteem just leaves us puffed up on air.

In the end it is God that we can glory in.  He is perfect.  He is all knowing, all powerful.  He has perfect love, justice, and mercy.  When I have good thoughts, it is inspired of God.  When I do good, it is by his grace.  When I do wrong, it is through His atonement that I am made clean and able to start again.

I am nothing but Jesus Christ in whom I trust, whose side I am on, is Everything.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

I am a mother who knows that a slow start does not mean defeat.

I wanted to start this new year off with a bang!  I had my heart set on some really big goals.  Mostly a long list of Crossfit skills and PRs that I want to reach in order to prepare for some local competitions, and dejunking my house in preparation for moving to a smaller one.  I was wanting to work hard at the box, and at home while I had my personal trainer (Jonathan) home to help me.

But New Year's Day, when I was going to start hard, found me on day 3 of miserably sick.  As did January 2nd...and 3rd - My entire week of project time was squandered on tissues, coughing, fevers, sore throats, headaches, no voice (it is barely coming back today, finally:-) children crying and coughing all night, and vascilating emotions between depressed, discouraged, wondering what I am supposed to be learning from this, and hoping that tomorrow I, and my children and husband, would be all better.

Today I am starting to really feel better. But as for my big plans - I am a week and a half behind the schedule I had planned.

As I look at where I am, I am full of hope, still.  I am not out of the race. My goals are still important to me, no less than they were before.  I still have them beating in my heart.  Starting them 10 days later than planned is okay. I am actually surprised at my own hopefulness and excitement.  I feel even more determined to stay dedicated to my path.  And I have had time to ponder and consider my children's needs, and my marriage more.  I gained insights on other areas I need to work to keep balance this year.  I feel good about taking things in stride, one day at a time, just consistently doing a little each day on the things that are important to me.  I feel assured that no matter the challenges that come to throw me off my path, I will be able to continue moving on it.

I thank my Heavenly Father for this feeling of hope and courage!

I am a mother who knows I am divine...

Last Friday I attended a book discussion on Co-Dependency No More.  The crux of the conversation was how do we get into a co-dependent mindset, and how do we get out of it?  The conclusion was that it ultimately hinges on knowing that we are of worth.

When I get down on myself, for whatever reason - mistakes I made, something others said or did,  my plans not working, missing a goal, missing a commitment, feeling hurt or alone, put off by the difficulty of a task ahead,  cloudy skies, being sick, something others did not say or do - I forget that I am divine - a Child of God- and therefore have infinite potential, and have access to His omnipotent help. Instead I start thinking about how miserable I am, and how hard my life is.  I start thinking that I am all on my own to fix things and that feels impossible, it is impossible.  So my brain runs away from my own problems and starts looking at other people - usually my husband.  His life is clearer to see -  If I focus on his needs, his responsibilities, his moods, his schedule, his response to me, his thoughts, I don't have to think about mine.  His problems I can see the solution to.  It is always easier to see someone else's problems and solutions, and because we are not them, they seem very fixable. But as long as I am seeing mostly him, I am stuck in co-dependency.

So to get out of co-dependency I must remember truth.
Truth #1:  I am child of God in the complete sense.  I have a divine origin, nature, and potential.
God created me, I am his spirit offspring.  Because of this, a part of me is good.  And I am of great worth to Him. He loves me.  I can become like Him.  No matter what I do, have done, or how many times I make that same mistake, the above sentences remain true.  No matter what I do, it will not lessen or change God's love for me.  Because I am a child of God, or divine...

Truth #2:  The atonement of Jesus Christ is always the solution.  Divine people (all of us) should seek divine solutions.  Every problem, challenge, hurt, mistake, opposition, frustration, wrong, sin, illness, wound, affliction - everything that is hard in this life can be overcome through the atonement.  I first learned as a child that the atonement was Christ's suffering for our sins so that we can repent and be made clean again.  As a young mother I learned that the atonement also covers our pain, and succors, gives comfort for, and heals our physical or spiritual wounds, pain, illnesses.  In the last few years I have learned that the atonement also strengthens and enables us in our challenges.  If there is any good thing we want to do, or accomplish, or change in our lives,  the atonement is the source of power beyond our own to make it happen.

Truth #3:   To access the atonement I must act.  Choosing to turn to God for help, and allow the power of the atonement to cleanse, heal, or aid my life means I must work at doing as Jesus Christ asks. The only thing I can give to God, is my will.  If I think continually on Christ, on what he would have me do, if I read about Him, pray in His name, keep His commandments, I will see His atonement working in my life.

My negative thoughts and feelings of myself or others disappear when I put mind around these truths.  Light and dark cannot occupy the same space at the same time.  So to overcome co-dependency and all of its related miseries  just remember...

I am a Child of God.  That means that a part of me is heavenly, good, godly.  God created me.  God Loves me.  I am Divine.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year 2015!
I love to set new goals and have been mulling over my goals for this year for over a month.  I actually really like changes.  Setting goals is a way to choose the changes I want in my life.

1.  No sugar or white flour. - After Kathy's passing away, this one is now dedicated to her!  I have been planning on it for some time, as a means of increasing my self-government and health, but it  now has new meaning to me. 
2.  Sell our home.  Buy a smaller, simpler one. 
3.  Write a blog at least once a week.
4.  Teach my children about the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the last days. 
5.  Do a muscle-up.

My list of dreams and hopes for this year is actually very long, but if I can accomplish the above 5 goals, I will have changed me, seen a miracle, exercised courage, purposefully mothered, and gotten stronger.  That is oodles of good for one year.