Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Power in Purging

We are selling our almost 4000 sq ft house and moving to one that is 2000 sq ft or less.  At first our motive was primarily to get rid of our mortgage, but the more I get rid of stuff in preparation for our move, the more freedom I feel.  My home is less cluttered.  I spend less time picking up, and more time studying and being with people.  Cleaning is easier, my closets and drawer and entire house feels tidier.  My brain has less to worry about.  My soul feels lighter!

The Savior's counsel to the rich man has spoken powerfully to my heart:  "sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me."  Luke 18:22   I, like that man, have kept the commandments from my youth, and in asking what lack I yet, it is this:  I need to let go of the things of this world, choose only that which is best, letting go of even the good, so that I have room in my life to follow Christ.  I recently read an article by Enzio Busche in which he said: "And finally, when you are compelled to give up something or when things that are dear to you are withdrawn from you, know that this is your lesson to be learned right now. But know also that, as you are learning this lesson, God wants to give you something better"  God asks us to give up all our stuff from this world so He can give us something better.

Compared to most of mankind that has lived on this earth, we are very wealthy.  My possessions have kept me "cumbered about much" and therefore feeling that I am too busy to choose "that good part."  I have spent much time in acquiring, organizing, storing, cleaning up and maintaing stuff.  Much of which I very seldom have time to use.  I am saving it for when I get a chance to use it, but the chance never comes because I am to busy caring for other stuff.  I really want to spend my time and brainspace on my family relationships, serving, creating beauty and learning about this fascinating world.  I want to spend my energy to make the world happier, more beautiful, more wholesome.  I believe that as I purge my load of stuff, I will better be able to follow the Savior.  After all, he lived simply, without even a place to lay his head.

I am learning that much of our money stress is caused by unneeded expectations and wants and habits that do not satisfy the soul or bring true happiness.  These have come from the false traditions of our fathers, by living in the prosperous top of our cycle in history or pride cycle, and simply our consumer culture.  

Consuming is not what brings joy and satisfaction.  Producing is.  Eating a watermelon you have grown yourself is so much more satisfying, not just because it has greater flavor and nutrition, and is a different color than any in the grocery store, but because your soul has been nourished and fed through the process of growing it.  I have worked in partnership with God to create, and I have exercised faith, patience and consistency and knowledge.  

Now when it comes down to the actual implementing of these ideals it does get difficult at times.  It means I am letting go of past hobbies and projects - scrapbooking, art and craft supplies,cook books, cake pans and muffin tins, lots of fancy serving dishes, cloth napkins, and table cloths,  tubs of fabric, boxes of school manipulatives, curriculum and other supplies, waffle irons, curling irons, hair ribbons, and cooking gadgets. And oh the clothes...  and toys...  and books... and empty storage tubs. We are only keeping the very best of things in our life.  

Choosing what to get rid of is like peeling an onion.  I clean out a cupboard, getting rid of things I don't need, then a month later I revisit that cupboard and can now see much more that I don't need.  I got rid of 2/3 of my clothes a month ago, and now I can tell which of the clothes left I really love and wear often and which ones I don't... so there are more I can get rid of.  I have taken many minivan loads to DI, and I have several to go. 

But it is exciting and liberating and purposeful and powerful.  I am choosing to change my life to bring more of Christ and his gospel, more service, more time with my children and husband, more growing of real food, more learning and teaching. 

More joy, less stuff.  That is being a powerful mother.

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