Today my good friend Kathy passed away. Kathy was a beautiful and inspiring mother of six. My fondest memory with her is one afternoon she came to my home to visit. We were discussing nutrition while our children were playing together. Kathy was passionate and a deep well of knowledge about wholesome nutrition.
I was struggling with wanting to make further changes to our family's nutrition, I had been learning and trying new things myself, and I wanted to share those benefits with my children, but I did not want to force them or make them eat healthy against their will, because I knew that would cause more psychological damage than the health benefits would justify, and when the cat was away the mouse would play anyway. It wouldn't be a lasting change. I was expressing all of my concerns or hesitations about implementing the new food ideas for our whole family to Kathy.
She became very calm, looked me in the eyes, and told me that if they were good things I was desiring for my family, God would guide me, and would help me teach them, so they understood; if I wasn't sure about teaching something to my children, then I needed to pray about it, and God would answer me. She had perfect faith that if we teach our children why and how we are doing something, and it is good, and of God, then he will bless our efforts, and help them want to follow our teaching.
Over the years following, on more than one occasion I have had Ally, Kathy's oldest daughter with me in situations where there are treats being served. One of Kathy's food beliefs is: no sugar! Little Ally has always politely declined anything with sugar in it. One time I asked her why and she said "it isn't good for me." I asked if it was hard to not eat it when everyone else was, or if she felt left out. She frankly said "No, our family just doesn't eat it. My mom gives us other better treats."
How many 8 year-olds do you know who decline sugar? Kathy had taught her children in what she felt was best for them, and they believed. I too, find that when I desire to teach my children, and ask for God's help in doing so, they accept my teaching, beyond my expectations.
Thank you Kathy for teaching me this powerful lesson in motherhood.
I was struggling with wanting to make further changes to our family's nutrition, I had been learning and trying new things myself, and I wanted to share those benefits with my children, but I did not want to force them or make them eat healthy against their will, because I knew that would cause more psychological damage than the health benefits would justify, and when the cat was away the mouse would play anyway. It wouldn't be a lasting change. I was expressing all of my concerns or hesitations about implementing the new food ideas for our whole family to Kathy.
She became very calm, looked me in the eyes, and told me that if they were good things I was desiring for my family, God would guide me, and would help me teach them, so they understood; if I wasn't sure about teaching something to my children, then I needed to pray about it, and God would answer me. She had perfect faith that if we teach our children why and how we are doing something, and it is good, and of God, then he will bless our efforts, and help them want to follow our teaching.
Over the years following, on more than one occasion I have had Ally, Kathy's oldest daughter with me in situations where there are treats being served. One of Kathy's food beliefs is: no sugar! Little Ally has always politely declined anything with sugar in it. One time I asked her why and she said "it isn't good for me." I asked if it was hard to not eat it when everyone else was, or if she felt left out. She frankly said "No, our family just doesn't eat it. My mom gives us other better treats."
How many 8 year-olds do you know who decline sugar? Kathy had taught her children in what she felt was best for them, and they believed. I too, find that when I desire to teach my children, and ask for God's help in doing so, they accept my teaching, beyond my expectations.
Thank you Kathy for teaching me this powerful lesson in motherhood.