I trust in my Father in Heaven. He is all powerful, all knowing, unchanging, and has a perfect love. His mission is to bring me (and you) to eternal life with Him - which is happiness. Parts of this mortal journey towards God are very difficult and even painful. The most rewarding and joyful times come after I make it through the hard ones. The most peaceful times are when I walk through the hard times with the Lord.
I am learning and working on, this principle of trusting in God and not in the arm of flesh. When I live with good people, and love them, it is easy to trust too much in them. But there is no mortal who has the understanding of my heart, my potential, and my struggles like God does. No matter how well a parent, spouse, friend, or mentor knows me, they will not see my divine and individual worth as clearly as God does. They can love me, but not as God does. God commands us to help each other on our way. He often does help me through the hands, words, and actions of others, but only by knowing that I am trusting God, can I know who else to trust. I have to go to him first with each question, idea, problem and desire. When I have turned my heart to Him, and keep it open to Him, through the day, I am given the answers and help that help me grow, often through the blessings of other people in my life.
I have taken poor counsel from others at times in the past. When I realized the counsel did not serve me well, I was angry. Under the anger was hurt. I have reacted to or been pulled along by the plans and ideas of others, rather than purposefully acting in accordance with my own heart, and what I know God wants me to do. I am learning that God will answer me, in all things, if I ask with real intent.
So today I choose to get smarter. I choose to act in accordance with God's will for me. I choose to be true to myself. I put my trust in God. I trust God to tell me when and who else to trust.
I likewise would do better on this journey of life if I put my trust more in the Lord rather than the arm of flesh.