It is one gift that everyone needs: my husband, my in-laws, my children, my friends, my great aunt, and my neighbors. Even those who don't want it, and leave it on the front porch or trample over it, need it, they just don't know it. It is beautifully simple, yet too magnificent for me to fully comprehend. It is unique for each person who receives it. It tastes sweeter than anything else I have ever tasted. It is solid as stone, solid enough to build a house on! It never runs out, the more I use it, the more there is available to me. Someone else has already paid for it, so it is not really mine to give, but I can share it!
It is the gift of Jesus Christ! His gospel. His Love. His Life. His Atonement.

It is the gift of Jesus Christ! His gospel. His Love. His Life. His Atonement.

Thank you for sharing The most important gift!!!