Today is Addy Day. It is the day she returned to our Father in Heaven 13 years ago. Here is some of what I wrote at the time.
Addy came to our home as a gift from our loving Father in Heaven. She came to gain a body, and complete a short but important mission in this life. Our family is greatly blessed to have had her. When I first realized that Addy had died I was scared, hurt, confused. But very quickly my Father in Heaven blessed me with a sweet peace, and the knowledge that Addy's life on earth was complete, that he had called her home to do his work on the others side of the veil. I know that Addy is with her Savior, and is happy. I feel that she misses us with the same sweetness that we miss her, but her spirit will always be near to our family, And Kate will have a sister on the other side watching out for her, as a guardian angel
My Heavenly Father knew how quickly my heart would break when Addy left us. he did all he could to prepare things to ease my pain. The week before she died we had our first ever family picture taken.. Addy beamed for the camera. The last day that I had my sweet Addy was the day before we had planned to go home for Christmas. I wanted to have pictures to take to Grandmas and decided to use up the last of my film in the camera to try and get a current picture of Addy, and of Kate and Addy together. I took pictures of my sweet , happy girls and took them to be developed. The roll came back with some wonderful pictures. We had bought a couple of special stories to give our girls for Christmas. That day, because everything was going smoothly, I took time to write a letter to Addy inside the front cover of her book.
I put two happy girls to bed that night, and finished wrapping a few last gifts and put the last of our clothes in suitcases to go hoe. I finished at 11 and just then Addy started to wake up. This was not usual for her. and if I had followed our "rules" I would have let her cry it out to keep her sleeping through the night, but instead, because I was still awake, I got her up. She was happy and seemed playful so we sat on the floor in front of the Christmas tree, and played. She crawled across the floor to me a few times and gazed at the Christmas lights. She sat on my lap, and played with my hand, patting it, and waving her hands. Then I went and nursed her.
After eating well she still was not sleepy, so I took her in her room and rocked her and sang to her all my favorite carols. I started with Silent Night, then God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, O Holy Night, Away in a Manger, We Three Kings, many others I don't recall. I ended with Hush Thee My Baby, and one more time of Silent Night. She snuggled in my arms and after a while, settled down. I laid her in her crib, covered her up, and kissed her goodnight. This sweet little baby knew she was leaving and said her good-byes to ease her mother's pain. I did not know it was good-bye then, but I am so grateful for such a sweet last memory.
Years later I can say that I still miss my little girl. I know she watches over our family, I feel her near when I am at the temple. She is a tangible anchor that keeps me striving to return to Heaven myself.
Most of all I can say that God knew what I needed to experience in order to make me really change and learn and grow. He gave me the sweet and bitter experience then, to prepare me for other experiences later on, and so that I can have empathy for others.
Each time I turn to God for comfort, with real faith, and purpose of heart, He does give me solace. He lets me choose to turn to Him for peace or to try and fight through on my own. I have tried both options at different times. I can definitively say I prefer the peace and comfort that He offers to the pain and loneliness and despair that I find on my own. He has shown me his working in my life, in the little details, like a picture taken on certain day, and in the big over-arching direction of my life. I have felt His presence, I know He is there. He has not left me comfortless.
Addy was beaming, Kate, not so much |
Years later I can say that I still miss my little girl. I know she watches over our family, I feel her near when I am at the temple. She is a tangible anchor that keeps me striving to return to Heaven myself.
Most of all I can say that God knew what I needed to experience in order to make me really change and learn and grow. He gave me the sweet and bitter experience then, to prepare me for other experiences later on, and so that I can have empathy for others.
Each time I turn to God for comfort, with real faith, and purpose of heart, He does give me solace. He lets me choose to turn to Him for peace or to try and fight through on my own. I have tried both options at different times. I can definitively say I prefer the peace and comfort that He offers to the pain and loneliness and despair that I find on my own. He has shown me his working in my life, in the little details, like a picture taken on certain day, and in the big over-arching direction of my life. I have felt His presence, I know He is there. He has not left me comfortless.
I too hope I can live worthy so that I can get to know Addy in the next life.