Monday, March 2, 2015

God Answers Prayers

My husband and I leave for an anniversary trip in the morning.  We will be gone for seven days, by far the longest we have ever left our children.  I worked and prayed hard over the past few days to know what I needed to do so that my children could each have their emotional cups filled, and be excited about staying with Mimi and Papa.

At the same time we are preparing for a long trip, we have been cleaning out and emptying our house to prepare it for painters.  This has been a tremendous undertaking.  Everything but a couple of bedrooms, in which we have piled furniture and boxes, has been emptied and scrubbed down so the painters can move in.

I sat down to  dinner in our bare dining room with my family tonight and felt an overwhelming amount of peace and gratitude for the help we have received from heaven and from heaven-sent family.  I am in awe that we actually have everything done, and it has been without crazy stress or contention.  We have had some sleepless nights, but that is from sick kiddos, not late-night projects.  We have been praying daily for the needed miracles to have our home ready for selling for several months now, and I testify that those prayers have been answered.

In addition, my prayers of the past couple days to know how to meet my children's needs and prepare them for our leaving have also been answered.  We have had a pleasant evening of visiting and read aloud.  Today my sweet Mille, who struggles the most with changes, asked me at least 10 times what we were doing tomorrow, so we had a chance to talk about it, and help her to be excited and understand what was happening.  All of my children have been in varying stages of sick over the past few days and have therefore received more of my attention and affection.  What could have been an annoyance or burden has actually seemed a blessing.  It slowed our pace in a good way.  I feel at peace in leaving.

I stand amazed at the tender mercies of our Lord and how he works in mysterious ways to bless us.

Now on to an exciting week with Jonathan!

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