Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The order of my priorities

This is a pep talk and reminder to myself.  I find myself enjoying Crossfit more and more, in fact I have this crazy dream of getting to regionals in spring 2016.  Jonathan has dome some research on what stats I need to reach in order to be competitive at that level.  With some serious, dedicated hard work and a healthy sized miracle I believe it is possible. – But here’s the catch:
I have to keep my priorities straight if I want the Lord’s help (the miracle part) and Crossfit is pretty low on the list.  That being said, I keep getting the answer that if I will keep my life in balance and my priorities straight the Lord will bless me in my crazy dream.  This week I got my first muscle-up!

Priority #1:  God.              
I need to keep my relationship with the Lord strong, so I can have His guidance and help.  His commandments come before my desires.  He knows all and has all power.  His whole desire is our happiness so I trust Him and His plan for me.

Priority #2:  Myself.         
I have to take care of my own needs before I can help anyone else in a legitimate, sustained way.  It is the concept of putting on your own oxygen mask first.  I have spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical needs.  I have to take care of the basics in each area continually.  If I do not, before long I run into problems and breakdown enough that I am no longer effective in reaching goals or serving others.  Recognizing and addressing all four areas helps me keep balance in my life.

Priority #3: Husband.      
Jonathan solidly comes next.  As I actively love him, and nurture our relationship, he in turn loves, serves and builds me.  When there is distance, frustration or problems in our marriage, everything below on my list suffers too.  I learned that concept in a class years ago, and have since noticed how true it is.  In fact, it is so true that if I am struggling with my children, it is an c that things are not solid in my marriage, and likewise if I am struggling in my marriage the solution is to work on taking care of myself and strengthening my relationship with God.  I have a couple hard-fast rules that help me keep the order of priority to my husband:  Always back up or defend Jonathan in front of our children, and keep all disagreements private.  I sit by him in church, at dinner, family prayer, etc.  We always have a date night each week.

Priority #4  Children
This goes back to my mission statement: I am a powerful, purposeful, nurturing mother.  This is where the majority of my time and energy goes.  However I can spend that time distracted by other thoughts and wishes, annoyed or frustrated at the mundane repetitiveness of mothering or I can engage in this, the most challenging and rewarding vocation on earth, and put forth my very best of every talent and gift God has given me to understanding and meeting the ever changing needs of my children.  One of my favorite articles on the role of mother is The Emancipation of Domesticity by G.K. Chesterson

Priority #5 Church
I believe that God expects His children to serve him.  I have a responsibility to do my part in carrying forth his work on the earth.  He blesses me vastly more in return for my small acts of service. 

Priority #6 Relationships
This is my extended family, friends, neighbors, etc.  I will only find joy in life inasmuch as I nurture healthy relationships.  My darkest times, and deepest heartaches are all hinged on broken or missing relationships.

Priority #7 My temporal stewardship
In other words, my home, car, bank account, land, and other possessions.  This could be called homemaking, inasmuch as it affects the needs and nurturing of my children, I categorize it under children.  When it goes beyond the basic needs of food, shelter, clothing I consider it a lower priority. I have responsibility to maintain, care for and improve all that God has given me.  My love of land, soil, plants, animals, and real food can pull me way beyond the basic needs of my children, but they are good things to learn and seek to improve on.  If we multiply that which the Lord gives us, he will bless us with yet more.  Parable of talents

Priority #8  Crossfit
And any other hobbies.  There is of coarse an element of Crossfit that belongs to taking care of my body and health and that is #2, but Crossfit as a hobby, where I am going beyond keeping average fitness, and trying to be competitive and make significant improvements in my strength, skills, endurance, speed, etc is well beyond the requirement of taking care of myself.  It has become a source of recreation, a goal that I know is not required for happiness.  The things I am learning as I work at it - things like consistency, focus, learning to control my mind to control my body, do bring a new depth or element to my life that is helping in all aspects.  I can use this endeavor to become a better person in all areas of my life, or I can let it consume me and let all my higher priorities fall behind.  

I am consciously choosing to keep my priorities straight, according to my core values and therefore qualify for the miracles God desires to send me.

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