Tuesday, November 25, 2014

I am a Mother who knows how to do Crossfit.

So this is a bit of a topic change-up.  The reason I started Crossfit, was because I was told by a doctor it was anti-depressants or exercising hard for the rest of my life. (He said I could quit at 97.) I had to work up a sweat, keep my heart rate elevated for 20 minutes and never have less than 3 days a week, preferably 4 or 5.  I took it to heart.  I have done anti-depressants in the past and know that I don't like the side effects and the numbing of my feelings.

I have never really enjoyed sports in the past, not thought I was at all competitive, or coordinated for that matter.  But Crossfit has shown me a whole new side of myself.  We go to a small, family oriented box called Ben Lomond Crossfit.  I have been going for two years this month.  I kept going all through my pregnancy with my sixth child, scaling tremendously of course, and getting back at it within 3 weeks postpartum.  Fear of Depression is very real, and very motivating for me.
I have found that I am built well for Crossfit movement, I am strong, and I have some reasonable mental stamina.  I had my last baby natural, using hypno-birthing (more on that another time), and found that mental focus and courage are worth developing as they play across all aspects of life.

I have learned that exercise is a very healthy way for me to take out stress, anger, or any other myriad of emotions and that in so doing I have often gotten very good scores.  Because of our small box size, I can occasionally take first in the box.  Recently I had a WOD where I even beat my husband and the trainer - taking the whole box.  That was elating!  Not something that could easily be repeated, all the stars had to be lined up for it.

I have to say that Jonathan has been incredibly helpful and important as a personal trainer, masseuse, and cheerleader in helping me get where I am.  I am finding enough fun with Crossfit that I hope to continue it life long.  Maybe someday competing at a regional or team competition.  Who knows.

My skills I have developed:  After 6 grueling and frustrating months of practicing I am now reasonably proficient at double-unders 48 unbroken is my current PR.  My Crossfit Total is 495#.  I can back squat 185.  I did 8 rope climbs yesterday, I used a 30" inch box for boxjumps last week in a WOD.  I can now do hand-stand push ups and pistols - one at a time.  My record for pull-ups is 21 unbroken. - I did 12 unbroken at 7 months pregnant.  I am currently working on learning to do a muscle-up.

I know that our physical bodies are a gift from a loving Heavenly Father.  He is pleased as we take good care of them.  He has blessed me with health and strength of body, for which I am grateful.

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